This set of pictures is from our last day touring layouts in Colorado
Tuscarora Railroad
The Tuscarora Railroad is set in 1916 in Pennsylvania (it's modeled after a branch of the East Broad Top Railroad) and it features some amazing modeling work. |
A small loading facility supported by a mix of logs and lumber boards. |
I liked this scene of loading logs on a flat car, with a partially finished log cabin in the background. |
Another station along the line. I like the use of planks on top of the tracks where it is crossing a small ravine, as presumably horses or pedestrians would be crossing here as well. |
San Miguel Southern Railway
The San Miguel Southern Railway was a large layout built into a slope that led up to a fence at the back of the garden. Lots and lots of rock was used to provide tiers for building on. There were a a number of sidings and this seemed like it could well for railroad operating sessions. |
Cattle grazing in a field of succulents. |
A lot catches the eye here from the bridges in the foreground to the stamp mill clinging to the hill above. |
A nice curved trestle helps the railroad navigate a small canyon. |
Cat Mountain Railroad
The Cat Mountain Railroad isn't a very large layout but it has a whole lot packed in to provide interest. This layout was started eight years ago. I like the use of flagstone as a bridge. |
The layout is built on a raised bed and then a whole lot of very attractive rocks help raise the center of the layout higher. |
And a lot of great plantings around the entire layout provide splashes of color. |
The Golden Spires Railroad
The Golden Spires Railroad was inspired by the owners' love for Disneyland. It is still a work in progress, and completed buildings are interspersed with two-dimensional renderings of future buildings that are in progress so you can see what will be there in the future. |
Lots of curves and stone arch trestles and tunnels. Like a ride a Disneyland the railroad twists and turns and you're never quite sure where it is headed next. |
The locomotive is very much in the style of Disneyland trains. |
B&E Colorado & Northern Pass Railroad
The B&E Colorado & Northern mainline loops around the entire backyard twice, requiring some elevation at one end to help keep the lines level. Here the outer loop floats above the garden while the inner loop rests on a long trestle. |
A street tram provides service along main street. |
The mainline also passes underneath a mountain lake and waterfall. |
Flowers, quilts, garden trains and flags. Was this made for me? |
I like the use of large PVC pipes for grain silos. Or is it perhaps a water filtration system for the pond? |
The Denver & Clear Creek Railway
The Denver & Clear Creek Railway was the last layout we visited and it was a great last stop. It's a new railroad, just started last year, and so far there is a long dog bone loop and expansion is already in progress. They were running a long freight train when we stopped by headed by two locomotives. |
A town and I think there might be a train there but really this picture is all about the incredible view. I could have sat here for hours just enjoying the view. |
A mountain cabin and a windmill, echoed by another windmill in the distance. |
I'm really just focused on the view here and the ranch buildings in the background. |
A train barely made it in this picture of the Front Range. |
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